Need suggestion for e ink tablets mainly for writing.
If anyone is using e ink tablet, please share your experience.
JUL 23, 2023
Update: I bought Remarkable 2 and using it for a week now.
I was looking to buy one for a long time. To digitize my notes, organise them better and should feel like writing on paper.
I knew about remarkable when it was launched. I liked it being very simple and focuses device.
So when I finally decided to buy one I did some market research. And there are many e ink devices. Even with colors. There were many with Android, that supported android apps as well.
I got inclined to buy a color one with Android but it was not my requirement to buy another tablet. My need it to take notes and organize them better
One week of usage.
It's fun, feels like paper. I would say 90%. Helps me to organize my notes.
It doubles as ebook reader as well. I can side load pdf and epub files and can read Microsoft office documents.
One feature that I find useful is I can share my remarkable screen live on my laptop. I can use it as writing pad during meeting to draw and scribble concepts. And share them later
JUL 24, 2023
Assuming these notes are then available from any other device too?