Mohit Vainsh
Interview with the VampireInterview with the Vampire


Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire

Neil Jordan . 1994


This one is from back in the days — when my 'friend' with a leg made of boot used to give me movies. I was raving about Mission Impossibles and Ocean's series. I told him that I liked those two, especially Brad Pitt. This was a time when I had already gotten out of my vampire movies phase. But he suggested that there was a movie that came out more than a decade ago with Tom, Brad and Spiderman's girlfriend and it was about vampires. I had to watch it, and here's why you should too —
Mohit Vainsh
1. You often overlook to appreciate set design of a movie because a lot of them are set in modern times and we just take them at face value. IWTV is visually stunning, with lavish costumes and candlelit interiors to depict 18th/19th century + a haunting soundtrack to enhance the environment. 2. I was out of my vampire phase because they were all the same. IWTV is different because it delves into psychological torment of immortality. Rather than glorifying eternal life, the movie presents it as a tragedy. There aren't many vampire movies like this one. 3. Anne Rice (author of the novel the movie is based on) was against Tom Cruise as Lestat… at first. But then she saw the final cut and loved it so much that she put out ad in VanityFair saying she was wrong and everyone should go watch it.
Mohit Vainsh… There's a deleted scene that didn't make the final version where Louis (Brad Pitt) goes to a movie theater to watch Nosferatu (1922) in modern times—a vampire watching a vampire movie! I haven't found it yet.
Sakshi Chowdhry
Mohit Vainsh
Mohit Vainsh
This one is from back in the days — when my 'friend' with a leg made of boot used to give me movies. I was raving about Mission Impossibles and Ocean's series. I told him that I liked those two, especially Brad Pitt. This was a time when I had already gotten out of my vampire movies phase. But he suggested that there was a movie that came out more than a decade ago with Tom, Brad and Spiderman's girlfriend and it was about vampires. I had to watch it, and here's why you should too —
This one is from back in the days — when my 'friend' with a leg made of boot used to give me movies.

I was raving about Mission Impossibles and Ocean's series. I told him that I liked those two, especially Brad Pitt. This was a time when I had already gotten out of my vampire movies phase.

But he suggested that there was a movie that came out more than a decade ago with Tom, Brad and Spiderman's girlfriend and it was about vampires. I had to watch it, and here's why you should too —
I thought it's Kalki in the back poster