Would you prefer buying or subscribing a car? Give your reasons
There are so many other things to consider. To name a few. Cost structure, usage, car model, duration of subscription and other benefits of subscription.
Rajat Gupta
There are so many other things to consider. To name a few. Cost structure, usage, car model, duration of subscription and other benefits of subscription.
But let’s say the goal is just to have a car instead of relying on the cab apps
In that case, how does it matter if it is bought or subscribed. You will have the car in both cases.
JAN 15, 2023
Rajat Gupta
In that case, how does it matter if it is bought or subscribed. You will have the car in both cases.
Cost, commitment, maintenance all are a factor
FEB 27, 2023
I’ll subscribe to a car only if the cost offering at end of say 5 years turns out to be cheaper than buying one on loan and selling it.
Leasing a car is less headaches currently. But a tad expensive!