So out of the loop
Hellbound 1 is good and recommended, I presume?
P.S. I have never seen a k drama before.
Ashish Shekhar
So out of the loop
Hellbound 1 is good and recommended, I presume?
P.S. I have never seen a k drama before.
TV series by Yeon Sang-ho · 2021
If only you love fantasy stuff, with a crazy philosophical angle.
It's brilliant!
Himanshu Khanna
If only you love fantasy stuff, with a crazy philosophical angle.
It's brilliant!
Haha yea lotr fan toh hoon hi :) nice will check
Ashish Shekhar
Haha yea lotr fan toh hoon hi :) nice will check
LOTR, if I may say so, is still a very optimistic fantasy. This is not!
Himanshu Khanna
LOTR, if I may say so, is still a very optimistic fantasy. This is not!
Aah i am a sucker for good vs evil things where good prevails. But cool will broaden my horizon!
SEP 26, 2024
Ashish Shekhar
So out of the loop
Hellbound 1 is good and recommended, I presume?
P.S. I have never seen a k drama before.
You must try Kingdom for sure
Binny Louis
You must try Kingdom for sure
Binny Louis
You must try Kingdom for sure
Cool! Is this k thing too? My only issue with k things is that they are too slow. I saw a friend watching some hospital show and nothing really happened and the show was 65 min episodes :O
Like the desi kasauti type show laga but for the Korean audience.
SEP 27, 2024
Ashish Shekhar
Cool! Is this k thing too? My only issue with k things is that they are too slow. I saw a friend watching some hospital show and nothing really happened and the show was 65 min episodes :O
Like the desi kasauti type show laga but for the Korean audience.
Thou the episodes are hour long but the show isnt slow paced
Binny Louis
Thou the episodes are hour long but the show isnt slow paced