"What is to give light, must endure burning." — Viktor E. Frankl
OCT 8, 2024
Himanshu Khanna
Courage isn't absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear.
- Meg Cabot, The princess diaries.
Sneha Mehta
Courage isn't absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear.
- Meg Cabot, The princess diaries.
Himanshu Khanna
Sneha Mehta
Courage isn't absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear.
- Meg Cabot, The princess diaries.
OCT 9, 2024
A master has failed more times than a beginner has tried.
OCT 11, 2024
Two is twice as good as one, but one is infinitely better than zero.
One minute of making sales calls is infinitely better than zero minutes.
One minute of meditation is infinitely better than zero minutes.
One minute of writing is infinitely better than zero minutes.
Sure, it might be ideal to spend an hour doing these things, but one minute gets you in the game. Now you're learning. Now you're improving. Now results are possible. One doesn't seem like much, but it's something real. At zero, you're still dreaming.
- James Clear
OCT 15, 2024
Shivani Kumari
OCT 25, 2024
Learning demands the willingness to live in a brief state of discomfort. You must believe that looking like a fool for an hour will not ruin your reputation for life.
James Clear's today's newsletter.
Sneha Mehta
Learning demands the willingness to live in a brief state of discomfort. You must believe that looking like a fool for an hour will not ruin your reputation for life.
James Clear's today's newsletter.
OCT 27, 2024
Sneha Mehta
Two is twice as good as one, but one is infinitely better than zero.
One minute of making sales calls is infinitely better than zero minutes.
One minute of meditation is infinitely better than zero minutes.
One minute of writing is infinitely better than zero minutes.
Sure, it might be ideal to spend an hour doing these things, but one minute gets you in the game. Now you're learning. Now you're improving. Now results are possible. One doesn't seem like much, but it's something real. At zero, you're still dreaming.
- James Clear
OCT 29, 2024
Sneha Mehta
Learning demands the willingness to live in a brief state of discomfort. You must believe that looking like a fool for an hour will not ruin your reputation for life.
James Clear's today's newsletter.
OCT 30, 2024
Himanshu Khanna
Himanshu Khanna
NOV 2, 2024
I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.
- Rosa Parks
NOV 6, 2024
Sneha Mehta
Learning demands the willingness to live in a brief state of discomfort. You must believe that looking like a fool for an hour will not ruin your reputation for life.
James Clear's today's newsletter.
NOV 7, 2024
Atul Khandekar
NOV 25, 2024
Himanshu Khanna
NOV 28, 2024
Atul Khandekar
NOV 29, 2024
Jayshree Ramgarhia
DEC 1, 2024
Himanshu Khanna
DEC 5, 2024
Himanshu Khanna
Probably exactly the thread that i was looking for
A master has failed more times than a beginner has tried.
DEC 13, 2024
The key is to enjoy hanging out on the edge. That is, you find it interesting to attempt things one step beyond where you are right now. It could be the edge of your ability or the edge of your knowledge or the edge of your network.
If you reach — but just a little — and you do it every week, then you’ll take on challenges that are manageable enough that you win most of the time, but meaningful enough that you improve as well.
- James Clear 3-2-1 newsletter.
Also liked this one:
Two simple rules:
1. You get better at what you practice.
2. Everything is practice.
Look around and you may be surprised by what people are “practicing” each day. If you consider each moment a repetition, what are most people training for all day long?
Many people are practicing getting mad on social media. Others are practicing the fine art of noticing how they have been wronged. Still more have mastered the craft of making plans (but never following through).
But, of course, it doesn’t have to be that way.
What are you practicing?
DEC 20, 2024
To learn, wander. To achieve, focus.
also James Clear
DEC 21, 2024
"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in." – Isaac Asimov
“Every fact of science was once damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire web of culture and ‘progress,’ everything on earth that is man-made and not given to us by nature, is the concrete manifestation of some man’s refusal to bow to Authority. We would own no more, know no more, and be no more than the first apelike hominids if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and the intransigent. As Oscar Wilde truly said, ‘Disobedience was man’s Original Virtue.’” —Robert Anton Wilson.
We need to work with other people to get stuff done, but we also need to stay small enough so that we actually can.
Pratyush Vidyarthi
We need to work with other people to get stuff done, but we also need to stay small enough so that we actually can.