What are some of the movie/tv series scenes that made you cry
Happy tears scenes .. 1.Staircase scene for your name 2.The pen scene from a beautiful mind
I have slacked off on my exercise and my nutrition in December. It took a doctors checkup and hormonal medicine for me to take my health seriously again. Is it difficult for others to sustain the importance we give to health & fitness?
I was born premature.. was severely underweight.. super height metabolism.. ignored it till I was 28.. Got very sick and then I decided to start focusing on my health .. got a full body checkup done..β¦ Read more
After yesterday episode of AOT season 4 pt 3, rating of AOT skyrocketed and made it the top anime of all time beating Full metal alchemist brotherhood who was in the first position for more than a decade.
Gotta start watching..