Share the worst & weirdest UIs you’ve encountered in your day-to-to 📸
No can’t say that I have?
Calling all the designers! It's portfolio overhaul time, and I need your expert advice! Sketch has been my trusty sidekick but since Figma is the new design prodigy, courtesy of the fabulous @mv I am really curious to know more about this. And wait... have you guys heard about the mystical "no code" website wizardry? Is it worth exploring? Share your design industry gems! Let's chat about the latest trends and techniques!
Not in my experience. is so powerful while sporting a healthy template community that it feels like 2015 and rolling your own Wordpress install vs. just getting a Squarespace in 5 mins
Anyone got 2 cents on CIID ( Copenhagen institute of Interaction Design) ?
(New to Openvy, so a little late to this loop) I live in Copenhagen and work in UX, and while I haven’t attended CIID myself, I studied and worked directly with two CIID alumna, and I usually swing by their student finals exhibit every December. CIID is great! It’s very Frog / IDEO interaction design-ery in its curriculum and methods (which can be good or bad, depending on what you’re looking for… Read more